41 Love Letters R. H. Swinney to Ruth Erlanger, 1934

September 7, 1934

Letter 29

Filed under: The Letters — R. H. Swinney @ 7:36 pm


I don’t want to argue with you so I guess we’ll have to let the differences of opinion ride, although your pharmacological proof was not entirely complete, since alcohol is not only a food, but also a general depressant and remover of inhibitions—which might not always be so advantageous as it is occasionally at a dinner-table. Seems that we discover more places in which we don’t agree all the time. In one of our discussions I gained the impression that we were pretty much in accord about one or two of the things you mention, but maybe that was too early for agreements to be taken seriously. As for the hen-pecked part of it, and your having your own way, th something like that is a part of marriage, isn’t it? Men must love in a different way than women do, since they usually don’t insist so strenuously on not being bossed.

For all this week I’ve been studying pharmacology. Sort of going into the home stretch, as it were. Still have a lot to do before next Friday, however.

Tonight is night clinic again, and I must rush, but before I do I’ve a confession to make—and an apology, too, I suppose. For I told Dr. Heinbecker we were planning to be married next spring. We were discussing a few details about the internship, and I ask mentioned that I’d like it to start Oct. 1st. He wanted to know if there was any especial reason for that, so I told him I was going to be married next June. He then asked who the unlucky girl was to be, and, since he has been so nice to me, I thought it would not exactly be in order not to tell him, which I did after just asking him not to tell it. I’m sorry I did, but he is a man of some discretion and will not, I believe, tell anything to embarrass you.

If this letter seems contains anything I shouldn’t have said (I’m good at that) I’m sorry, but several things leave me sort of puzzled, and, perhaps, as a result a little irritable, yet they wouldn’t bother me at all if it weren’t for the fact that,

I love you and miss you desperately,

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