41 Love Letters R. H. Swinney to Ruth Erlanger, 1934

September 5, 1934

Letter 27

Filed under: The Letters — R. H. Swinney @ 4:12 pm

Ruth darling,

If you have to be cross in order to write letters like the one I received today I hope you have a grouch on every time you pick up a pen, for it was such a sweet letter. Although I wouldn’t want to see you have so much cause for your bad temper. It really is a shame that you had to undo so much of your work. No, I can’t say I’m afraid of getting such an awful wife, for I know she is so sweet and such a darling that I’ll never be able to be half thankful enough for having won her.

Three whole weeks yet until I can expect you. You certainly made a wrong guess about the ephemeral nature of a vacation. I’ll have to confess to having sort of stagnated since you left. Dr. West and I went to a ball game and two shows, but I haven’t been anywhere excepting to two operas from that time on. Of course I mow the lawn occasionally, just did today as the Shalelees are to arrive this evening and I wanted everything to be neat looking; however, I fear that they will look askance at the almost bare plot of ground which passes for a lawn. So far this week I’ve done no work at the lab, excepting to clean up some dirty glassware. Peculiarly enough the studying has progressed no more rapidly that it did when I was working. Too lazy. You will have a hard time being any lazier than I am, my sweet. If you are we will be the orneriest couple in the country.

Artie left Sept. 1st, so I won’t get to give him your good wishes. As I told you in a previous letter everyone is gone from the Chem. Dept now—I’m the only one left, but they should be g starting to return shortly—probably next week. However, I don’t care if they never get back, there is only one person whose appearance here interests me greatly—and she’s clambering over the hills and rocks in Colorado.

Sweetheart, if we can arrange to internship for Oct. 1st next year, how would a horseback trip, with a pack horse or two, up into the Sawtooth Mts. suit you for next summer? I’ve been thinking that such a thing might be arranged if you would like it. Then we could be entirely to ourselves, and would have the opportunity of sort of exploring some really wild mountain country.

The pharmacology exam comes around a week from this next Friday, so cross your fingers, etc., that afternoon as I’m afraid the 94 is going to be a will-o-the-wisp and hard to catch.

When you first get home you’ll just have to break that once a week rule for a while, else how will I ever be able to deliver all the kisses which I have been piling up awaiting you presence so they could be given to you?

Maybe it isn’t just what you wanted, but I’m glad tha I’m the “best” you could do, for otherwise I’d not be able to tell you,

I love you so,

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