41 Love Letters R. H. Swinney to Ruth Erlanger, 1934

August 27, 1934

Letter 18

Filed under: The Letters — R. H. Swinney @ 3:56 pm

My darling Ruth,

It was a long wait over the week end without a letter from you, but getting three letters—and such sweet letters—today was recompense and to spare. The fact that you love me so really makes me afraid, dear heart. I know I’m not half good enough for you, and I am fearful that you’ll find it out. However, good enough or not, I love you as mush as it is possible for one person to love. There is a song in which the singer wishes he (or she) were twins so, “I could love you twice as much as I do,” but I wouldn’t want to be twins and love you because one of me would always be jealous of the other one of me. Such a situation!

“San Michele” hasn’t been cutting in on my study, but laziness has. I really put in more time and get less done than anyone else in the world. To date I’ve only read the notes on my first trimester’s work in pharmacology, and it’s less than three weeks until the exam. The quicker it comes the better though, for you will come home soon after it is over. Artie is painting the lab tomorrow so I shall study all day. The rest from chem. will be a welcome one, too, as things are going badly today. In order to get any kind of titration difference I have to use large samples of the fatty acids from linseed oil. Then the KOH for saponification must be more than doubled causing much salt formation in the blanks, and the large amount of the sample causes great difficulty in pulling it down to dryness without having in fluff clear out of the tube, and the Lord only knows what the results will be as it isn’t ready to titrate yet. You see, this is being written while I wait for acetylation to be completed—saving time by making this business of writing to you fit into the odd moments. That is sort of fitting in a way, as I think and dream of you not alone for the most of the time, but also in all the odd little moments too. And my love for you fills all the odd little corners of my heart, because it so completely takes up the room there that it has to use those corners also or it couldn’t get in. The way it grows your little boy is likely to develop dilatation of the heart right soon.

Always believe, darling, that no matter what happens [illegible] you are my one and only love, and know too that,

I’ll always go on loving you,

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