41 Love Letters R. H. Swinney to Ruth Erlanger, 1934

August 24, 1934

Supplement 3

Filed under: Supplemental Material — Frankie F. Swinney @ 4:35 pm

Dear Ruth,

Harold has written us of his great happiness.
We are very happy to know he has found his ideal girl.
His ideals were so very high we doubted him ever finding one in whom they were realized.
Sincerely hope you will never have cause to regret your decision.
You have surely made him very happy.
Harold says he knows we will love you, and I am sure we will, from what he tells us & also from your picture.
We shall be very glad to know you.
You will be very welcome to our home.
This was so sudden and unexpected it rather took my breath.
He talked to me quite a lot about you when he was at home, but I had no idea it was so serious.
So please believe me when I assure you we are very glad.
Hope you are enjoying your vacation

Very sincerely
Mr. & Mrs. H. A. Swinney.

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