41 Love Letters R. H. Swinney to Ruth Erlanger, 1934

August 9, 1934

Letter 2

Filed under: The Letters — R. H. Swinney @ 9:34 pm

Sweetheart, I have just come from seeing “The New Moon,” ((Add note)) which was an excellent show. Yet there was something missing, for the little sleepy-headed girl of whom I have dreamed so long was not beside me. I wished you were there for several reasons: first, because I always want you near me; second, because the show was good; and third, because Paul Haakon ((Add note)) did the most astonishingly graceful dance I have ever seen.

The night was enchanting, the sky was full of stars, the air was full of music, and my heart was full of longing for you. There was no woman in the whole crowd who could compare with the lovely girl who has promised to be my bride, and there was no song so sweet as the one which has been singing with my every pulse-beat since I first heard you say, “I love you.”

There is really no news at all. The only reason I’m writing is so that you may know that I long to whisper into your ear, “Darling, I love you.”


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